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Parents and Friends

Parents and Friends of Upton Hall School FCJ

This is the group of parents and friends of the school who meet once a month to plan fundraising events and support the school in any way they can. It is our Parents’ Association. 

New members are always welcome so please contact the school if you wish to join the committee or if you can assist them in any way with their vital role in raising money for the benefit of the Upton Hall School community.

Easyfundraising - register now to generate funds for school!

Before buying anything online, go through this portal which registers your purchase and gives commission to the school. It is literally one additional click and now is a great time to register while you are spending lots at Christmas.  Click on the link below and register today!

Next meeting

Please check here for details of next meeting.  Any new members will be welcome to come and along and share their ideas.

Email any ideas for fundraisers or for ways in which we can support the school to Kerrie Spiby.